Tuesday, May 21, 2013

April 22nd to May 17th

this seems to be her outside pose
coming right for me!
learning stairs

toy phone chewing time

goofy girl
grass exploration

standing practice at the gym

having her dinner

story time!
she is so much like me, especially with the weird sleeping poses!

I am in love with seeing her in this dress!

she wants the camera!

playing on the sunroom playground

Grass sitting!
thoughtful and serious

chewing on the rain clouds

proud that she can pull herself up into things
splashing water in the sunshine

just a moment in the house on a rainy afternoon

silly faces

what do you mean I have to put these in the Mr. Potato head? Why can't they go in my head?

Evie was underwhelmed by the zoo

sitting up so well!

amazed at being under the kitchen table

first time at the swimming pool!