Tuesday, May 6, 2014

April 8th - May 6t

pizza lunch picnic

I left my camera on black and white this afternoon we were out. I decided to do something a little artistic and give Evie a little bit of color. She was playing peek a boo in a tunnel at the playground.

She can not sleep without her Murphy puppy and her stripey blankkie.

snacking while sitting on the counter

my knitting projects make for a fun game sometimes

Johnny wonders why on earth he sticks around for these kinds of things

First time with a new game

Happy times with grandma Kathy and Blondie the dog

Early egg hunting

The important part of Easter. Pretty dresses and chocolate eggs

Baby in a bucket

pom poms get stuck to her head

you can always tell the days we were so busy I forgot to get out the camera.

Go fetch!

She stole my chair!

Waking up in a different outfit than she fell asleep in. There was an incident involving a bottle of water in the car and she got soaked.

Bucket hat

On a hike with mama and dada

washing rocks

Playing with grass

she realllly loves Bev!

art project

She took her dinner from the table and vanished into the sun room. I found her eating her dinner in the dogs kennel.

she bit the tip off of a marker.

she likes Legos as much as Liam does. The millisecond it took for the camera to catch this picture was the extent of her patience before grabbing the Lego train and taking it apart.